Types of Funerals

Funerals and ceremonies after a death are a tradition that have gone back thousands of years. They provide an occasion for people to show their love and respect to the person who has died.
Funeral cermonies allows mourners to express their grief and acknowledge the death and provide a way to say goodbye. All of which can be beneficial to the process of grief follwing a bereavement.
The ceremony can be as formal or as informal as you wish and it’s entirely up to you how much religion should play a part in the service. There are a number of different types of funerals available. B.Ince Funeral Directors are here to help and some of the services that we can provide are shown below.
This is a funeral where family and friends may choose to have a ceremony or service, but they do not attend the cremation itself. Direct Cremation allows mourners to remember the person in their own way and in their own time.
This is a full-service funeral held at 9:30 a.m. at Wyre Forest Crematroium, offering a competitive price point.
B.Ince Funeral Directors name speaks for itself. Our traditional cremation services are very popular and provide families with a high-quality, dignified, and personal way to celebrate a life and say good-bye to a loved one. Religious or non-religious ceremonies can be arranged.
Lean on B.Ince Funeral Directors local knowledge and experience to help arrange a burial service for a loved one. B.Ince funeral directors have over 75 years of experience and can help assist and provide a range of traditional burial services. Religious or non-religious ceremonies can be arranged.
Small intimate family gathering at Wyre Forest Crematroium at 9:00 a.m. for a 10-minute time of remembrance.
Highly creative, environmentally friendly, and beautiful ceremonies can be created and arranged with a natural burial.

Religious or Non-Religious services?
B.Ince Funerals Directors help families achieve traditional funerals set out to meet the requirements of particular faiths.
B.Ince Funeral Directors can also assist families looking to have little or no religion during the funeral service.

Cremation or Burial?
One of the evolutions of funerals was the rise of cremation. When we first started in 1946, nearly all of our funeral services were interments; the deceased was laid out in their home, and we made a coffin to their size, with the burial taking place a couple days later. Over the years, this has changed, with cremation accounting for 90% of all of our services today.

Eco-friendly services?
Recent years have shown the rise of more environmentally friendly funerals and options. The choice of coffin, funeral vehicles, and venues are all now important factors, and we are looking to improve sustainability within our profession.

B Ince Funeral Directors follow the strict code of practise and have regular quality insurance inspections. Bereaved families can be assured of a high standard of facilities, with a compassionate, professional approach to care and support.